摘要:Understanding and manipulating thermal transport invarious materials are essential to intentionally design energy-efficientdevices and systems with desired thermal transport properties for thermalmanagement and energy conversion. Despite the significant progress in thermaltransport of inorganic crystals, thermal transport in complicated materials,such as hybrid organic-inorganic perovskites and polymers, remains largelyunexplored. In this talk, I will present my PhD research efforts to push thefrontiers of the understanding of nanoscale thermal transport in hybridorganic-inorganic perovskites and polymers using experimental techniques andatomic modeling. I will first uncover the unique phonon properties in hybridorganic-inorganic perovskites and their analogues using inelastic x-rayscattering, which provides useful insights into their ultralow thermalconductivity. Then I will focus on our discovery of the large thermalrectification effects in the novel tapered bottlebrush polymers using moleculardynamics simulations. The fundamentally new knowledge gained from this studycan guide exciting research into nanoscale organic thermal diodes.
报告人:Dr. Hao Ma is currently apostdoctoral research associate at the Oak Ridge National Laboratory. He obtainedhis PhD degree in Mechanical Engineering at the Cornell University in August2020 and Bachelor’s degree in Materials Physics at the University of Scienceand Technology of China in 2014. He has a strong background in nanoscalethermal transport, and energy conversion and thermal management usingtheoretical, computational, and experimental methods. He has published seventeenjournal papers and one peer-reviewed conference paper, out of which fourteenpapers are first-authored and most papers are published in prestigious journalssuch as Phys. Rev. Lett., Nano Lett., Carbon, MaterialsToday Physics and J. Phys. Chem. Lett.. He received severalcompetitive awards including the Chinese Government Award for OutstandingSelf-financed Students Abroad in 2020 and the Grants-In-Aid of research awardfrom the Sigma Xi scientific research honor society in 2019. He was honored tocomplete the 18th National School on Neutron and X-Ray Scattering held by OakRidge National Laboratory and Argonne National Laboratory in 2016.
时间:2021.10.25 9:30 AM